July 25, 2009

random posts

I decided that she needed some toys for outside so i went and got her a car, which come to find out i had to put together.... THIS WAS INTERESTING

She wanted to help so bad everytime i had to hammer or screw something she would try to grab it and do it herself. We left it a convertable until kurt gets home since i couldnt get the top to go on it was much more difficult than it looked.

one of her new favorite games is to put on my shoes and walk around the house
as you can tell i only have a few months left until she and the dogs are in and out all day long....
So as most everyone is aware we are expecting a baby boy in decemeber. My due date is christmas, and we have no idea what we are going to name him, but cailyn is going to be a great big sister.


Courtney Lukens said...

She is so freaking cute!! I just want to squeeze her!

It's Me...shell said...

Oh my gosh! I love that picture of her reaching! I'm proud of you for putting that together. But I am the one in this family that puts things together. I'm weirdly a handy lady. I'm so excited for you guys!