October 13, 2008


It was Cailyn and Ali's first time in the snow on Sunday. When i let the dogs out in morning ali wouldnt go outside, she just sat there and looked at the snow then looked up at me and ran back to her kennel. Finally after some persuasion and Marley running around in it she walked outside. Once she started to play she loved it.

We were so excited to take cailyn out in the snow for the first time even though she wont remember it. We put her in her bear snow suit which she didnt really enjoy, then we went outside to play. We got outside and she just started crying so we let her grab some and she didnt like that either so we just took a couple pictures and went back in.

1 comment:

Dan and Courtney said...

oh my heck SNOW it's still October that stuff isn't suppose to come yet. We luckily don't have snow yet but it's getting pretty dang cold so who knows maybe we will get some this week.