So after a very interesting day i decided that i really need to start writing more things down.. Cailyn is such a interesting child. she is so full of life and loves to learn and try new things. It just amazes me the things she learns and tries. She has made the last two years so fun and challenging. Here are a few stories that i remember.
Our first adventure was when she was 2 months old Cailyn and I flew to Louisiana to visit my best friend. I had at this time never traveled with an infant so i was really nervous. It seemed that every time we would take off she would wait until after take off to start screaming and go poop. Oddly enough the best passenger on all 4 of my flights was a teenage boy, he was so sweet and nice and never complained. He even talked to her and offered to move over a seat so i could have the middle one to lay cailyn down. However all the other passengers i sat by just gave me nasty looks and didnt say anything...
This is kinda sad but we think its funny. Cailyn has never liked her aunt nov, for some reason whenever she tries to hold her or give her something cailyn freaks. I honestly think she does it just to bug her. on the same line, to this day cailyn still refuses to call me mom. She only says Dada.
A couple weeks before she turned one Cailyn turned to run down the hall and tripped and fell into the wall. I had to take her up to wee care and she had to have 3 stitches above her eye. She still has a scar. honestly i'm very surprised she hasnt had to have more stitches or had a broken bone.
A few of her regular activities include; climbing onto the table, climbing up the couch sitting on the window sill and jumping off, standing at the top of stairs and falling (expecting someone to catch her), climbing onto our bed and jumping up and down then falling.. she has fallen off our bed a few times, running down the hall and turning to fast (into a wall), running and hitting the kitchen floor and sliding across it, falling in the bathtub trying walk around. Its safe to say she is accident prone.
Kurt and i decided it would be fun to buy Cailyn a slide. Well she loves this slide her and almost every toy she owns has been down the slide a few times. Her latest adventure is to either sit at the top backwards and slide down or stand at the top and just jump. She finds it hilarious me not so much.
Our dogs used to sleep in kennels, well cailyn decided that alis kennel was her second bed, many times i would walk into the room and her and ali would be sleeping together in the kennel, we have since taken the dogs out of the kennels but ali isnt allowed to sleep with cailyn.. yet.
We took cailyn to Oregon last year on a road trip. Surprisingly she did really good in the truck on the drive. we took her to the beach one day and the minute we let her out of the stroller on the and she took off on a dead run for the ocean. It was so cold outside we spent the whole time trying to keep her warm.
Restaurants is a whole other story of its own. Cailyn is usually pretty good, she doesnt freak out to much, however the minute we walk into a restaurant she turns into a crazy grumpy wild moody 2 year old. She screams and throws things. My poor niece had a fork thrown at her. i really try to work with her at home on the patience thing but its hard. She is getting better and i'm getting picky about the times i actually take her.
As most everyone knows we have two very big dogs. They are very sweet and love cailyn even though she likes to hit them with toys and pull there tails. Cailyn and the dogs have decided to team up at dinner time. Cailyn will sit and play with her food then out of nowhere her food will go flying right to the dogs. They are just tall enough that there head fit perfectly on the table this provides the perfect angle to sneak food off her plate.
Cailyn also is tall enough to reach the counter and likes to take food off the counter and share with the dogs. her favorite thing to eat is oreos, she takes the package off the counter and opens it then takes the cookie out pulls them apart eats the filling and leaves the cookie in random places in the house.
Cailyn has decided that anyone who pays attention to her and is near the same height is her best friend and must do everything she wants. She is always around older kids and has learned to be pushy and demanding which is fine for the older kids but she scares all the kids her age away.
On sunday we werent having a good night, well i gave kurt jarrod who refused to lay down and cailyn was playing. about 5 minutes of kurt holding jarrod cailyn started crying and walked me over to kurt and was trying to get me to take jarrod. We were thinkng she wanted him in his exersaucer or something (like usual) but the minute i took jarrod she climbed up on kurt and hugged him and wouldnt move. Every time it looked like kurt was going to take jarrod cailyn would get upset. Usually she doesnt care but apparently sunday kurt was her dad and she wasnt going to share.
There are so many more but its late so i'll just get back to the whole reason i started this. Today has been an interesting day for cailyn.
It started off with her climbing onto the table then onto the tray of her highchair to watch mickey mouse (apparently the couch wasnt good enough). the middle of the day wasnt to exciting but we met a friend at the mall and that where the fun really started...
We got to the mall and went into the first store where she managed to break a bracelet, luckily i didnt have to pay for it), then we went into another store where i decided to try on some clothes. I took the stroller into the dressing room and cailyn was talking and playing, well i opened the door to show my friend the shirt and cailyn took off into the store, as i ran after her the door shut behind me locking jarrod in the dressing room. Cailyn thought it was funny. After a few more stores we went into the last store, we were walking around and friends little girl says "did cailyns diaper fall off?" As i turned around bent down and grabbed the diaper she started peeing in the middle of the isle. I grabbed her got a new diaper on her and just put that one on the bottom of the stroller to throw away when we walked out of the store. As we walked out into the mall the dirty diaper fell out onto the floor. At that point we decided to call it a night and just go home.
Cailyn has such a wonderful personality and she makes us laugh on a daily basis. I'm really going to have to keep better records of the crazy things she does, i'm sure shell love to read them one day. I couldnt ask for a better daughter and she is truly amazing with her little brother.